Kenwood TS-940S For Sale

The Kenwood TS-940S (or TS-940 for short) looks new in
design, however was made in in the 90s. This one has that classic Kenwood sound and quality low noise
receive receive. I wish Kenwood kept up their standard of quality, as their models during this era really
rocked. Unfortunately this radio is no longer made, but you can still find them used!
View Current Kenwood TS-940S Ham Radios For sale
The Kenwood TS-940S had advanced interference reduction circuits and high dynamic range receiver, even
for today's standards. General coverage receive from 10 through 160 meters, operating in all modes from USB,
LSB, CW, FM and FSK and 140W DC input on AM.
Some performance add-ons included: SSB slope tuning, CW variable bandwidth tuning, IF Notch Filter, Audio
Filter, Dual Mode Noise Blankder, All-mode Squelch, RF Attenuator, Step Adjustable AGC
(Off/Fast/Slow), Full QSK, Speech Processor, Dual digital VFOs, 40 memories, Scan, Keyboard Frequency entry, large
fluorescent display and LCD Sub-display (need we say more).
View Current Kenwood TS-940S Ham Radios For sale
Kenwood TS-940S Close Up:

View Current Kenwood TS-940S Ham Radios For sale