Ham Radio Amplifiers For Sale

View Current Amplifier Inventory
New and used HF & VHF Amplifiers are listed for sale at the link below.
Both glass and steel tube models ranging under and legal limit++. If you want to approach near legal
limit in the most affordable way as possible, the Heathkit SB-220 and the SB-221 with it's near instant on
3-500z tubes still remains a top seller in the used market. Many hams report near or just at legal limit
with these older amps. Some additional amps to consider include the Yaesu Quadra, Heathkit SB-1000, Amp
Supply LK-500, and the Amp Supply LK-550. Oh and who can forget the Henry 2k-15kw monsters! I still
don't know why a ham would need more than the 2k series, due to both their weight and beyond legal limit outputs
(1,500 watts here in the US).
*Please note, Linear Amplifiers operate at high voltages. Please don't not attempt to modify or take apart
a linear amplifier, unless you understand all safety concerns/precautions. When working on a
high powered amplifier, care should be taken, and/or injury or worse yet death can occur!
Below is a link to current inventory for sale.
View Current Amplifier Inventory